How to judge the quality of glass bottles

How to judge the quality of glass bottles? We all know that the quality of many glass bottles is very bad, so today I will tell you how we should judge the quality of glass bottles.

How to judge the quality of glass bottles? We all know that the quality of many glass bottles is very bad, so today I will tell you how we should judge the quality of glass bottles.

To judge the quality of white glass bottles, first of all, observe whether the body of the liquor bottle is deformed or skewed, whether the mouth of the bottle is regular, whether the bottom of the bottle is protruding or sunken and other defects; Or too thick phenomenon. Observing from these aspects, some substandard liquor bottle products can be eliminated.

Secondly, it is necessary to carefully observe whether the glass material of the liquor bottle is smooth and clear, whether there are bubbles and impurities in the bottle body; whether there are cracks and spots. process, resulting in certain defects in liquor bottle products, and even certain potential safety hazards.

In addition, when choosing liquor bottle products, you should also pay attention to the thickness of the bottle body. If the thickness of the bottle body is not enough and the weight is too light, the quality of the liquor bottle product will be slightly worse. Crisp and pleasing to the ear, it means that the quality of raw materials for production is excellent. If the sound is thin and dull, it proves that the quality of liquor bottle products is not up to standard.

How to judge the quality of glass bottles

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