Market trend of custom glass bottles industry

Market trend of custom glass bottles industry

First of all, the development trend of small packaging, the future small packaging capacity of wine bottles will be the development trend of the packaging market.

Secondly, the high-end trend of wine bottle packaging, more and more high-end wines appear, this is definitely a trend. Finally, product design will be more and more important. Custom glass bottles is an absolutely trend.

Beer and beverage manufacturers ahead of the same industry have begun to use screem printing glass bottles, lightweight or disposable glass bottles as the first choice for product packaging. Compared with new wine in old bottles, new wine in new bottles has increased production costs. But it is of great benefit to the improvement of product grades. Around the world you can find the glass bottle packaging market has already launched custom glass bottles and custom glass beverage bottles, liquor bottles and printed wine bottles have gradually become a trend.

Market trend of custom glass bottles industry

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